Children deserve many things in life, and quality music is one of them. Happy Mermaid Learning has created songs that don’t dumb themselves down or assume that children don’t have discerning opinions. The all-original lyrics and melodies of Happy Mermaid Learning songs go that extra step to bring children new and refreshing music, and keep parents sane.
These songs also have accompanying books, and come in many languages. As of the publishing of this article, “I Can Do It” and “My Imagination” have not only English options, but bilingual options as well. The songs contain both the English and the alternate language so that children (and adults!) can learn by comparison, letting the knowledge sink in over time. It’s a fast and easy way to learn a new language and can be incredibly helpful to families all over the world!
Shelly Page, the creator of the songs and books, was inspired to create children’s music from a conversation with friends:

“I mentioned to a group of adult friends one day how as a kid my parent’s told me I can be anything I want to be. After a moment of silence, one of them finally spoke up and said he didn’t relate. As a kid he was told he wouldn’t amount to anything. I was shocked to see everyone nodding in agreement, having shared the same experience. It occurred to me that parents and teachers can’t always be relied upon to assist in giving a child a healthy inner voice which they would carry on to adulthood. What could I do to help? Write songs that will help children find their OWN voice of confidence, whether they are aware of it or not. Songs that will stick in their little heads and help them when they need it most. That’s my purpose. That’s why I’m doing this.”
Another important aspect of Happy Mermaid Learning is diversity. When her friends told her that they grew up reading books, seeing cartoons, and playing with dolls that they couldn’t physically relate to, she knew that she wanted to make sure not to make any child feel left out. She told us:

“I want children all over the world to be able to point at a character from my books and say, ‘Look! That’s me!’”
Children everywhere love Happy Mermaid Learning songs and book, and we certainly do too!
Hear the music:
Favorite Playlist: